An issue that comes up time and time again is that of knowing your worth, or in the business world the value of a business. When it’s your business the lines can be blurred as the value of your own...

Whatever your vision and measure of success, know that there’ll be moving goal posts and there’s a journey you must go on. You’ll fail and you’ll succeed, so enjoy the ride and own your ‘visionary’...

Fail fast and fail often. Or not.
Failures in business have been the best (and most brutal) teacher we could’ve asked for. Remember, everyone’s journey is different and don’t compare your own to someone else’s. The status quo is th...

Business is done very differently in different parts of the world (east vs west cultures) so your expectations need to reflect that.

“It takes a village to raise a child” was a phrase introduced to us early in this journey, and building a business is no different. No one does it alone. We would not have been able to achieve the ...